ReadyOp Advantages for Fire Rescue

ReadyOp provides a planning, operational, coordination and emergency response platform for many organizations nationwide. There are several features and capabilities included in ReadyOp which are of particular value for fire rescue agencies. Below is a list of some of the ways ReadyOp has been used by other fire and fire rescue agencies in their operations. We would be glad to share actual use experience, ideas and illustrations:

Fire Rescue

Planning, Communications, Command and Control

  1. Planning
  2. Daily Operations
  3. Incident Mangement
  4. Sports, Concerts, Parades
  5. Radio Interoperability
  6. Asset Management
  7. Inspection Reporting
  8. Wildfires, Floods
  9. Training, Certs Management
  10. Patient Tracking
  11. Rescue Operations
  12. Fusion/Joint Operations
  13. Diaster Recovery
  14. Windshield Damage Reports
  15. Team Deployments
  16. Mass Casualty Incidents
  17. Forms, Checklists, Reports
  18. Mutual Aid
  19. COOP, Resiliency
  20. Family Reunification

Daily Operations

  • ReadyOp provides multiple ways to communicate quickly and efficiently with individuals, groups, teams, others first responder units and outside agencies.
  • Monitor progress and task completions for inspections, investigations and other activities.
  • Communicate and coordinate efficiently. SitReps, pictures, updates and other reports can be distributed quickly via text, email and voice recordings/alerts Incident response actions are faster and more complete when the response actions are preplanned and stored in ReadyOp.

Planning and Organization

  • Plan daily operations, special events, incident and emergency response and other operations.
  • Planning can include people, assets, agencies, tasks, maps, files, tasks and more, all in one secure location for quick reference 24 hours a day.
  • Visual displays can be built on ReadyOp’s dashboards for fast, efficient access, reference and communications.
  • Maps, floorplans, photos, forms, schedules and other reference material that may be needed can be securely stored in the Files tab and immediately available when needed.
  • Since planning is done in a single database, updates are immediate and available to authorized users.

Incident Management

  • Plan response actions, personnel and notification groups including outside agencies.
  • All agency emergency plans, floorplans, diagrams and response groups can be stored in ReadyOp’s Files tab and available 24/7 to support immediate response actions.
  • Initiate and coordinate response actions from the agency’s ReadyOp dashboard.
  • Communicate and coordinate with other first responders, hospitals and other agencies.
  • ReadyOp provides the flexibility to plan, store, recall and respond quickly and efficiently to any incident and emergency.

Operations Communications

  • Adjust shift and daily staffing, including notifications to alternates, quickly and efficiently.
  • Communicate to individuals, groups, single and multiple locations and more. Initiate and coordinate response actions from the agency’s ReadyOp dashboard.
  • Notify operations staff and others of incidents and emergencies.

Incident/Emergency Response

  • ReadyOp provides the flexibility to plan, store, recall and respond quickly and efficiently to any incident and emergency. Initiate and coordinate response actions from the event’s
  • Plan and respond based on Incident Command System (ICS) as required.
  • The ICS chart can be displayed on a tab and the ICS forms stored in the Files tab for immediate reference and access as needed.


  • Create and use checklists and reports to manage planning and operations.
  • Forms can be used for damage reports, asset management, training reports and more.
  • Create forms for use by the public for reporting hazards and other unsafe conditions.

Camera Videos to Laptops

  • Increase situational awareness. ReadyOp enables authorized persons, including responding fire and law enforcement personnel, to securely view video from available camera feeds on their laptops.
  • Video can be shared with responding personnel from any location including to responder vehicles while enroute to the location.

Radio Interoperability

  • ReadyOp includes true two-way radio interoperability for communications between talk groups, including the ability to link radio communications with outside agencies if needed.
  • Radio interoperability can be extended to other first responder agencies in the local area for immediate response and communication.
  • The ReadyOp DT app is built to allow smartphones to function as a two-way radio. Fire and law enforcement agencies use it daily for radio communications, special operations and events.

No other program provides all of these capabilities, plus these important features:

  1. No New Hardware to Purchase
  2. No Software to Install, Update
  3. Secure access 24×7 from any Location
  4. Radio Interoperability
  5. Low Cost. Easy to Learn. Simple to Use